Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Information
ALN in Wales is changing following the implementation of the ALN Act. The Welsh Government is bringing in a new more flexible and responsive system of meeting the needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities
The implementation of the ALN act will ensure:
• Needs are identified early, addressed quickly and all learners are supported to reach their potential.
• The use of the terminology Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and not Special Educational Needs (SEN)
• That all children from 0-25 years access the terms of the act
• That the learner is at the centre of everything we do and that they and their parents and carers are equal partners in their learning
• The production of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) if a child is deemed to have an ALN.
The new system aims to improve outcomes for all learners with ALN. September 2021 saw the commencement of the act on a phased basis until September 2024. During this time the duties under the Education Act 1996 will also remain in place for those cohorts of learners with special educational needs (SEN) to which it applies. St. Andrew’s is passionate about the implementation of the act to ensure an inclusive learning environment that enables all learners to engage fully, participate in decisions and feel included at all times.
At St. Andrew’s, all parents and carers of pupils with ALN will be fully informed of changes relating to their child as and when these arise throughout the implementation process.
St. Andrew’s offers a range of provisions, programmes and support to all children if and when they require it. This support may be more specialist depending on the need of the child, or they may access support on a more universal level. Our provision pyramid below outlines the support available to the children.