Our school fully recognises the contribution it makes to safeguarding and child protection.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs J. Giles
Mrs E. Charles
Mrs K. Small
All staff who work at St. Andrew’s have had safeguarding training that is regularly updated to ensure they are equipped to recognise and respond to any concerns raised. There are clear policies and procedures in place to ensure these concerns are dealt with promptly and appropriately.
We work in partnership with Newport City Council, and other local councils, to safeguard and promote the education of children placed on the Child Protection Register, children subject to a Care and Support Plan and Children who are Looked After. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment, where there is belief in the abilities and potential of all children, including those who are looked after. We support our Children who are Looked After (CLA) and give them equal access to every opportunity to achieve their potential and to enjoy learning. Mrs Charles is the designated person responsible for promoting the educational achievement of CLA.
The Governors, Headteacher and staff promote equal access to all areas of the curriculum for all pupils, regardless of race, gender, ability, disability, faith and cultural background. The school has clear policies in place and are committed to providing equality and an inclusive education. All children have equal access to all activities and support is available to ensure this. We encourage respect for all within the school and the wider community.