Health and Safety
We always aim to ensure the children of St. Andrew’s
are safe and secure at all times.
To do this, we consistently adhere to guidelines outlined by Newport City Council regarding Health and Safety in Education. All health and safety concerns are to be reported to Mrs J Giles and Mrs K Small who will quickly respond with the actions needed. We monitor and review the range of appropriate safety equipment we have in school and regularly conduct fire drills to ensure all policies are followed appropriately. We work closely with external agencies such as the police, fire department and traffic control to ensure our school sites are safe for learners and families
Visiting St. Andrew’s
All visitors to St. Andrew’s report to our main office where they sign in and read the necessary health and safety information (including relevant safeguarding information) and receive an identification lanyard that must be worn at all times.
Pick Up and Drop Off
The roads around St. Andrew’s are very, very busy. We always try to ensure pupils are safe at all times and encourage families to do the same. We ask, wherever possible, for families to walk to and from school. If unable, we encourage all families to use the surrounding streets to park to ensure Jenkins Street and Corporation Road remain as clear as possible; especially due to the logistics of buses transporting learners to and from the Connect Centre at the moment.
We always ensure St. Andrew’s is a welcoming environment for all. To assist us with this, we ask all families to ensure no dogs are allowed on site (excluding guide dogs), we have a strict no smoking policy and we ask all families to be respectful at all times and refrain from using inappropriate language on the school site.
Unfortunately, we are not permitted to allow pupils on any of the play areas or equipment at the start and end of the school day.
Occasionally, pupils may need to take medicine. We welcome families to come on to site to administer this at the appropriate times observed by a trained first aider. Unfortunately, we cannot administer tablets or medicines so ask that no pupil brings any medication to school.
If your child is asthmatic, we ask that an inhaler is brought to school to ensure one is accessible at all times.
If any accidents do occur in school, we have ensured there are a number of staff members across sites who are first aid trained and are available throughout the school day to attend to any accidents. Any accidents that involve head injuries or any accidents that require further medical treatment will result in us notifying families immediately. For this reason, we ask all emergency contact details are kept up to date at all times.