Head Teacher's Welcome
Croseo i Ysgol Gynradd Sant Andreas
On behalf of the staff and governors, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to St. Andrews Primary School.
"Learning together, we reach for the stars"
"Dysgu gyda’n gilydd rydym yn estyn am y ser"
The staff at St. Andrews Primary School truly believe that there is no place like St. Andrews! We aim to create a community that provides a challenging, imaginative, stimulating, happy, respectful and supportive learning environment where everyone is valued and achieves their true potential. We provide a learning community that is dedicated to believing that anything is possible.
My name is Jo Giles and I am the Headteacher of St. Andrews Primary School. The school opened in April 2014 following the amalgamation of the previous Infant and Junior Schools. I feel honoured and privileged to have been appointed as Headteacher of the Primary School and I am eager to take up the challenge of leading us all on a creative and innovative journey; by providing the local community and the children in our care with the very best education and variety of experiences a school can possibly offer.
This website is designed to give you an insight into the life and work of the school. I look forward to working closely with you to ensure that St. Andrews Primary is an outstanding school where pupils have special life-long memories of their time with us and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to embrace the exciting opportunities of 21st Century living.
If you wish to have further information or to visit the school please contact the Headteacher. The school believes in working together with parents and welcomes parental involvement in the life of the school. Your support really does make all the difference to our childrens learning.
Thank you.
Head Teacher
Mrs J Giles