School uniform
The school has a proud tradition of school uniform and we are most grateful for the continued support of parents. At St. Andrews Primary we wear school uniform for many reasons but mainly because it supports:
A practical and functional purpose
A sense of identity - belonging to the school family of St. Andrews Primary.
We aim to provide our children with a School Uniform that is FIT for Purpose and supports parents against the pressure of trying to keep up with the latest fashions.
Black sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
White polo shirt with school logo
Sensible black shoes / trainers
Black trousers (joggers in Nursery) / skirt / pinafore / tailored knee-length shorts / black shorts
Summer: Red / white gingham dress
PE kit: House colour t-shirt (red, blue, yellow or green) / black shorts / tracksuit / trainers.
Hair must be kept in neat and tidy styles - if patterns are put in childrens hair they must not be inappropriate patterns or symbols that would cause offence or disrespect towards other people.
If children have long hair they need to keep their hair tied back in school as this helps to avoid the spread of head lice.
Your child must be provided with a proper change of clothing for PE lessons. Please note that a change of clothes for PE is essential and that your child is expected to change back into their uniform after a PE lesson.
PE kits must be brought to school on a MONDAY in a DRAW STRING BAG with the childs name on it and left in school all week. They can be taken home to be washed on a Friday but must be returned to school the following Monday.
Games and P.E. are COMPULSORY under the National Curriculum for all children except those permanently excused on health grounds. A medical note from your G.P. must support such cases. If your child should suffer a minor ailment, which precludes his/her ability to participate for a short period, then a note from parents/ guardians to the teacher stating the nature of the illness and the period for which he/she should be excused, must be sent to the school
The wearing of jewellery is discouraged at school as it can be very dangerous in hectic playgrounds. For Safety reasons the only jewellery allowed to be worn in school is:
A watch and small stud earrings.
All jewellery must be removed for PE and games lessons. If children are unable to remove their own earrings, we would suggest that no jewellery is worn on PE days.
Drawstring P.E. Bag: House colour (red, blue, yellow or green) with school logo
Book bag: Black with school logo
Fleece lined waterproof jacket: Black with school logo
Zip front fleece jacket: Black with school logo
School uniform is available from:
Trutex Schoolwear Centre, Cambrian Road, Newport.
AJP, Unit 4, Estuary Court, Queensway Meadows, Newport.
Online at My Clothing -
https://myclothing.com/st.-andrews-primary-school/9049.schoolSchool PE kit is also part of the official school uniform
When purchasing school footwear it needs to be: Completely Plain Black shoes or trainers not mainly black with colours.
No slip-on shoes for girls as these are very dangerous on outdoor equipment and when children are playing in busy playgrounds they tend to slip off when children are running about.
This is the official agreed school uniform to be worn by all pupils in St. Andrews Primary.