Vision Statement
To be an inclusive community that provides a happy, challenging, creative, stimulating, respectful, nurturing and safe learning environment where everyone is valued and achieves their true potential. We provide a resilient learning community that is dedicated to believing that anything is possible.
In order to achieve this we aim to:
Provide a safe, happy stimulating and attractive environment in which each child is encouraged to enjoy learning and develop a lively and enquiring mind, the ability to question and argue rationally and apply themselves to tasks and skills as they strive to reach their true potential in all aspects of school life.
Provide a broad, well-balanced and relevant curriculum and a holistic approach to education offering a differentiated curriculum that promotes equality of opportunity and helps pupils to gain an understanding of the community, an awareness of the wider world, and global citizenship, beginning with caring for the local environment and considering issues of sustainability. We aim for children to appreciate the need to participate in decisions that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the future.
Meet the additional learning needs of all our children, including those with SEN, disabilities, EAL and the more able and talented, within the resources available.
Develop in children a love of learning and a desire to do their best at all times and to continue to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their life.
Develop and improve children’s performance in the key skills of literacy and numeracy, across all areas of curriculum.
Develop children’s self-esteem by ensuring that every child feels valued regardless of gender, disability, religion or ethnicity.
Encourage self-discipline, independence, moral responsibility and commitment to the community.
Help children to live together within a community, to develop sensitivity to others and to become responsible, independent people who value standards of behaviour, marked by respect and courtesy.
Promote positive approaches to difference and foster respect for people of all cultural backgrounds to enable all within the school community to achieve their true potential.
Provide a series of regular experiences for children to develop their knowledge, understanding and use of Welsh as a second language.
Give children opportunities to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales.
Help children develop a healthy lifestyle through adopting a healthy diet and exercise.
Extend active links between home, school and the local community the school serves.
Inform parents of their child/children’s progress at parent consultations and through annual written reports.
Encourage parents to become involved in all aspects of school life.
Develop the Governing Body's involvement in the life of the school.
Maintain a close relationship between secondary phase of education to promote continuity and progression in the children’s learning.
Promote unity and collaboration among all the staff who work in our school, value the contribution they make to the life of the school and enable them to reach their true potential through the provision of an appropriate programme of staff development.